On-Camp Policies and Procedures
Positive Behaviour Management Policy
Child Safeguarding Policy
Complaints Policy
Equal Opportunities Statement
Mobile Phone Policy
Positive Behaviour Management
Every morning Site Managers start the day with an engaging and positive welcome that includes our ‘K-I-N-G-S’ expectations. This is an important part of welcoming children, establishing rules and communicating essential behaviour expectations.
- K – Kindness
- I – In Case of Emergency
- N – No Nuts
- G – Grab a Buddy
- S – Speak Up
Our coaches will always provide praise and reinforce good behaviour on camp.
If a child displays poor or unacceptable behaviour our coaches will use different techniques to manage the poor behaviour and discuss the behaviour with parents to learn new ways in which to improve the behaviour.
We always ask parents to be as open and transparent with us about their child’s behaviour details to ensure our team are equipped to manage the behaviour. Should a child display poor or unacceptable behaviour continuously, we will ask for the child to take a temporary break from camp. All steps taken will be communicated with the parents and incident forms completed.
Please click here to download a full copy of our Behaviour Management framework.
Additional Support Policy
Some children and young people require additional support and in line with the Equality Act 2010, we can make reasonable adjustments to provide a stimulating and inclusive environment for most children, regardless of their specific needs. You can obtain an Additional Support Assessment Form by contacting the membership team at membership@kingscamps.org
- We collect personal information about children at the point of booking or prompt parents to provide this if booking online. Data is used solely for the child’s care and is stored safely and confidentially and with access limitations.
- To meet the needs of all children, we require parents and guardians to be honest and transparent regarding any additional support a child may require at the point of booking. This is especially important when a child requires a higher level of supervision than we offer in our standard ratios and where their behaviour has the potential to detract from the welfare of other children.
- In the case of additional support or needs, an Additional Support Assessment (ASA) form is completed by members and reviewed by our Behaviour Support Team to determine the suitability of our programme and what, if any, adaptions we can reasonably make that ensures the correct level of support.
- Failure to provide information requested within 14 days (or the Friday before the first day of booking, if the booking is made less than 14 days prior to camp) will result in the cancellation of the child’s place(s).
- For children with a high level of additional needs, attendance is considered on an individual basis. We expect children that require 1:1 care at home or at school to be accompanied by their regular carer.
- Additional Support is considered on an individual basis and is reviewed by our Behaviour and Support Team prior to booking confirmation
- We reserve the right to contact parents and guardians at any point to collect their child when we believe it necessary to protect the welfare of their child, or other children
- We reserve the right to decline a booking or prevent a child attending a programme if we believe that incorrect or incomplete information has been provided by a parent or carer at the point of booking that could or does detract from the welfare of the child or other children.
1:1 Support Process
We are unable to provide 1:1 support for children but welcome the attendance of an adult support worker when a child’s family or carer fund and source this. Supporting adults must complete a suitability check prior to attending camp.
- A 1:1 supporting adult is defined as an adult who is above the age of 18 and has a personal or professional commitment to the support and development of a child who may need provision on a regular basis. Please get in touch with our membership team for further details on the criteria for 1:1.
- 1:1 supporting adults have visitor status and are required to sign in and out and wear a visitor lanyard throughout their attendance.
- 1:1 supporting adults are not responsible for any other children and they will not be left alone with any other children.
- 1:1 supporting adults are there solely for a specific child and will provide such support to enable the child to participate on camp without detracting from the welfare and safety of other children.
Child Safeguarding Policy
Kings Camps is part of the Kings Foundation, which is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people. Safer recruitment is central to the way we work and all staff and volunteers are expected to share our commitment to safeguarding, always creating an environment where young people feel safe and can thrive.
We acknowledge that all children have a right to grow up in an environment that is not abusive. We are aware that child abuse occurs to children of both sexes, at all ages and in all cultures, religions, social classes and to children with and without disabilities.
We have a responsibility to our members and to the authorities to report suspected child abuse. Procedures will be followed sensitively but absolutely. Our loyalty in such circumstances remains with the child.
When any person has knowledge or suspicion that a child is either being abused, or is at risk of abuse, or that a carer has seriously neglected or failed to protect a child, he/she has a personal duty to report this to:
- The Manager of the Camp on site; or
- Head Office on 0114 263 2160; or
- The Local Safeguarding Children’s Board (LSCB), or in Wales; Intake and Assessment, Health and Social Care
We will investigate and act quickly if there is any suspicion of discrimination towards any child. Any allegations against staff will be reported and appropriate action taken immediately.
To see our safeguarding policy in full – Click Here
Complaints Policy
We are always happy to listen so please feel free to call us on 0114 263 2160. A Parent Information poster is displayed on-site with contact details required to make a complaint. Our staff are trained to process your comments and pass them on to the appropriate department and management level. If a complaint is received at head office, we will always reply within 24 hours.
Our complaints process
- An investigation is undertaken in accordance with the principle that the welfare of the child is safeguarded and promoted
- We always record full details of any complaint, including any subsequent information, action taken and whether the complaint is complete
- If necessary, it will be investigated and a verbal or written report will be returned to the complainant within seven days or, by agreement, it will be extended by a further 14 days
- If the response is not satisfactory, stage two of the process will be entered and the complainant will be asked to put the complaint in writing
- Further consideration will be given and a written response, including investigation findings and action taken, will be forthcoming within 28 days
- If another agency, such as the police or an inspection authority investigates, we will consult with them on how to proceed and inform the complainant of progress. A written record of complaints will be kept and is available upon request
In England, Ofsted can be contacted by telephone on 0300 123 1231 or in writing at The National Business Unit, Ofsted, Piccadilly Gate, Store Street, Manchester M1 2WD.
In Scotland, contact the Scottish Public Services Ombudsman at 4 Melville Street, Edinburgh EH3 7NS. In Wales, the CSSIW can be contacted on 0300 062 8888 or in writing to CSSIW Mid and South Wales, Rhudycar, Merthyr Tydfil CF48 1UZ.
Equal Opportunities Statement
We welcome children of all religious beliefs, faiths, cultures and abilities and believe that each child attending the camp is of equal value.
The activities we run strive to provide equal opportunities for all children whatever their race, religion, language, culture, gender, health, disability, personality or lifestyle as set out by the characteristics listed in the Equality Act 2010.
The Kings Foundation recognises that there are inequalities within our society and that many people suffer discrimination on the grounds of sex, race, colour and religion. As a charity with a Christian heritage, we never tolerate discrimination of this nature within our organisation.
Education and understanding of other people’s needs and backgrounds will be fostered to promote positive behaviour and attitudes. Discriminating behaviour, attitudes and comments will be challenged, regardless of whether they are from members, staff, parents or carers and we will investigate and act quickly if there is any suspicion of discrimination towards any person on camp, or employee of the Kings Active Foundation.
To further aid equal opportunities it is our intention to keep the camp fees at an “affordable” level and also offer 10% of our places on a financially assisted basis.
We will regularly review our policy and amend it where necessary.
Mobile Phone Policy
We recognise that children are increasingly familiar with the use of mobile phones in society and many have their own device. We also recognise the potential risks involved with owning and using a mobile phone. Kings Camps instils a love for activity where children can feel safe, have fun and learn together. We create programmes that are fun and inspiring and support a healthy lifestyle. To support this mission, Kings Camps enforces that all mobile phones and electronic devices are prohibited when on site. When a device is seen, the following steps are taken:
Stage 1: Electronic Device is witnessed on the first occasion
- Child is asked to place the electronic device back in their personal belongings
- Speak to Parent/Guardian about the electronic device that was used and ask that it is not used on camp
Stage 2: Electronic device is witnessed for a second occasion
- Child is asked to hand over the electronic device to the Site Manager
- Electronic device is stored in a safe and secure location
- Electronic device is handed to the parent/guardian at the end of the day and ask that it is not brought back to camp
- Warning given to child/parent/guardian about witnessing a device on the third occasion
Stage 3: Electronic device is witnessed for a third occasion
- Child is asked to hand over the electronic device to the Site Manager
- Parent/guardian is called immediately and asked to collect the child and take home
Please note Kings Camps will be not be held responsible for the theft or damage to any electronic devices